Mac Repair in Greenlane







Your MacBook is an essential part of your daily life, whether you use it for work, study, or entertainment. However, like any electronic device, it can face issues over time, particularly with its screen and battery. In Auckland, finding reliable services for MacBook screen replacement and MacBook battery replacement is crucial to maintaining your device's performance and longevity. This article will guide you through the importance of these repairs, the common issues you might face, and where to find the best repair services in Auckland.


Understanding the Importance of MacBook Screen Replacement


The screen of your MacBook is one of its most vital components. It's the interface through which you interact with your device, and any damage can significantly hinder your user experience. Common screen issues include cracks, dead pixels, backlight problems, and discoloration. If you're experiencing any of these problems, a MacBook screen replacement might be necessary.


A damaged screen not only affects usability but can also cause further issues if left unattended. Cracks can worsen over time, and malfunctioning pixels can lead to strain on your eyes. By opting for a timely screen replacement, you ensure that your MacBook remains in optimal condition, providing you with a clear and vibrant display for all your needs.


Why Opt for Professional MacBook Screen Replacement?


While some might consider DIY solutions for screen repairs, it's highly recommended to seek professional help for a MacBook screen replacement. MacBook screens are delicate and complex, requiring specialized tools and expertise to replace correctly. Professional technicians in Auckland have the necessary training and experience to handle these repairs efficiently.


Additionally, professional repair services use high-quality, genuine Apple parts for replacements. This ensures that your new screen is fully compatible with your MacBook and maintains the device's original quality and performance. By choosing professional services, you also benefit from warranties and guarantees, giving you peace of mind knowing that your MacBook is in safe hands.


Understanding the Importance of MacBook Battery Replacement


The battery is another critical component of your MacBook. Over time, you may notice that your device doesn't hold a charge as well as it used to, or it might drain rapidly. These are clear signs that you need a MacBook battery replacement. Other indicators include your MacBook shutting down unexpectedly or failing to power on.


A failing battery not only disrupts your workflow but can also pose safety risks. Batteries that are swollen or overheating can damage your device and potentially cause harm. By opting for a battery replacement, you ensure that your MacBook runs efficiently and safely, providing you with the reliable performance you need.


Benefits of Professional MacBook Battery Replacement


Just like with screen repairs, professional services for MacBook battery replacement are highly recommended. Replacing a MacBook battery involves handling sensitive components and requires precise installation to avoid any damage. Professional technicians have the expertise to replace the battery safely and effectively.

Using genuine Apple batteries for replacements is crucial to maintaining your MacBook's performance and longevity. Professional repair services in Auckland ensure that only high-quality batteries are used, which are specifically designed for your MacBook model. This not only restores your device's battery life but also prevents potential issues related to incompatible or substandard parts.


Finding the Best Repair Services in Auckland


When it comes to MacBook screen replacement and MacBook battery replacement in Auckland, it's essential to choose a reputable and reliable service provider. Look for repair centers that have certified technicians with extensive experience in handling Apple products. Reading customer reviews and testimonials can also provide insights into the quality of service you can expect.


Additionally, consider repair centers that offer comprehensive diagnostic services. This ensures that any underlying issues with your MacBook are identified and addressed during the repair process. Transparent pricing and detailed quotes before starting any repair work are also important factors to consider, as they help you understand the costs involved and avoid any hidden fees.




Maintaining the health of your MacBook through timely MacBook screen replacement and MacBook battery replacement is essential for ensuring its longevity and optimal performance. By opting for professional repair services in Auckland, you benefit from expert knowledge, high-quality parts, and reliable repairs that keep your MacBook running smoothly.

Have you encountered issues with your MacBook's screen or battery? How did you handle the repairs, and what was your experience with local service providers? Share your thoughts and experiences, and let's discuss the best practices for maintaining our MacBooks in top condition.


Have Broken Device?


MacBookPro  A2780
  • (16-inch, 3.68GHz Apple M2 Max 12 CPU/38 GPU, 2023)


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MacBookPro  A2780
  • (16-inch, 3.49GHz Apple M2 Pro 12 CPU/19 GPU, 2023)


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MacBookPro  A2779
  • (14-inch, 3.68GHz Apple M2 Max 12 CPU/38 GPU, 2023)


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MacBookPro  A2338 (EMC 8162)
  • (13-inch, 3.49GHz Apple M2 8 CPU/10 GPU, 2022)



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MacBookPro A2442 (EMC 3650)
  • (14-inch, 3.2GHz Apple M1 Max 10 CPU/32 GPU, 2021)


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MacBookPro A2485 (EMC 3651)
  • (16-inch, 3.2GHz Apple M1 Max 10 CPU/32 GPU, 2021)


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MacBookPro  A2338 (EMC 3578)
  • (13-inch, 3.2GHz Apple M1 8 CPU/8 GPU, 2020)


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MacBookPro  A2289 (EMC 3456)
  • MacBook Pro (13-inch, 1.7Hz Intel Core i7, 2020)


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MacBookPro  A2251 (EMC 3348)
  • MacBook Pro (13-inch, 2.3Hz Intel Core i7, 2020)


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MacBookPro  A2141 (EMC 3347)
  • MacBook Pro (16-inch, 2.4Hz Intel Core i9, 2019)


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MacBookPro  A2159 (EMC 3301)
  • MacBook Pro (13-inch, 1.7Hz Intel Core i7, 2019)


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MacBookPro  A1990 (EMC 3359)
  • MacBook Pro (15-inch, 2.4Hz Intel Core i9, 2019)


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MacBookPro  A1989 (EMC 3214)
  • MacBook Pro (13-inch, 2.7GHz Intel Core i7, 2018)


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MacBookPro  A1990 (EMC 3215)
  • MacBook Pro (15-inch, 2.9GHz Intel Core i9, 2018)


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MacBookPro  A1707 (EMC 3162)
  • MacBook Pro (15-inch, 3.1GHz Intel Core i7, Mid/Touch Bar 2017)


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MacBookPro  A1706 (EMC 3163)
  • MacBook Pro (13-inch, 3.5GHz Intel Core i7, Mid 2017)


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MacBookPro  A1708 (EMC 3164)
  • MacBook Pro (13-inch, 2.5GHz Intel Core i7, Mid 2017)


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MacBookPro  A1707 (EMC 3072)
  • MacBook Pro (15-inch, 2.9GHz Intel Core i7, Late/Touch Bar 2016)



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MacBookPro  A1706 (EMC 3071)
  • MacBook Pro (13-inch, 3.3GHz Intel Core i7, Late/Touch Bar 2016)


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MacBookPro  A1708 (EMC 2978)
  • MacBook Pro (13-inch, 2.4GHz Intel Core i7, Late 2016)


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MacBookPro  A1502 (EMC 2835)
  • MacBook Pro (13-inch, 3.1GHz Intel Core i7, Early 2015)


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MacBookPro  A1398 (EMC 2910)
  • MacBook Pro (15-inch, 2.8GHz Intel Core i7, Mid 2014-2015 DG)


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MacBookPro  A1502 (EMC 2875)
  • MacBook Pro (15-inch, 2.8GHz Intel Core i7, Mid 2014 IG)


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MacBookPro  A1425 (EMC 2672)
  • MacBook Pro (13-inch, 3.0GHz Intel Core i7, Early 2013)


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MacBookPro  A1278 (EMC 2554)
  • MacBook Pro (13-inch, 2.9GHz Intel Core i7, Mid 2012)


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MacBookPro  A1297 (EMC 2564)
  • MacBook Pro (17-inch, 2.5GHz Intel Core i7, Late 2011)


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MacBookPro  A1286 (EMC 2563)
  • MacBook Pro (15-inch, 2.5GHz Intel Core i7, Late 2009-2011)


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MacBookPro  A1278 (EMC 2419)
  • MacBook Pro (13-inch, 2.8GHz Intel Core i7, Late 2011)


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MacBookPro  A1278 (EMC 2351)
  • MacBook Pro (13-inch, 2.66GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, Mid 2010)


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MacBookPro  A1261 (EMC 2199)
  • MacBook Pro (15-inch, 2.66GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, Mid 2009)


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MacBookPro  A1229 (EMC 2137)
  • MacBook Pro (17-inch, 2.6GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, Mid/Late 2007)


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MacBookAir  A2941 (EMC 8301)
  • MacBook Air (15-inch, 3.49Ghz Apple M2 8 CPU/10 GPU, 2023)


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MacBookAir  A2681 (EMC 4074)
  • MacBook Air (13-inch, 3.49Ghz Apple M2 8 CPU/10 GPU, 2022)


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MacBookAir  A2337 (EMC 3598)
  • MacBook Air (13-inch, 3.2Ghz Apple M1 8 CPU/8 GPU, 2020)


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MacBookAir  A2179 (EMC 3302)
  • MacBook Air (13-inch, 1.1Ghz Intel Core i3-i7, 2020, Gold)


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MacBookAir  A1932 (EMC 3184)
  • MacBook Air (13-inch, 1.6Ghz Intel Core i5, 2018-2019, Silver)


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MacBookAir  A1466 (EMC 2925)
  • MacBook Air (13-inch, 2.2GHz Intel Core i7, Mid 2012-2017)


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MacBookAir  A1465 (EMC 2631)
  • MacBook Air (11-inch, 1.7Ghz Intel Core i7, Early 2014)


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MacBookAir  A1369(EMC 2469)
  • MacBook Air (13-inch, 1.8GHz Intel Core i7, Mid 2011)


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MacBookAir  A1370 (EMC 2471)
  • MacBook Air (11-inch, 1.8GHz Intel Core i7, Mid 2011)



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MacBookAir  A1304(EMC 2334)
  • MacBook Air (13-inch, 1.86GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, Mid 2009)


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MacBookAir  A1237(EMC 2142)
  • MacBook Air (13-inch, 1.8GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, Original 2008)


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MacBook Core Duo

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MacBook Core 2 Duo

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MacBook Unibody A1278

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MacBook Unibody A1342


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Retina MacBook 2015


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Retina MacBook 2016


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